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Peg away in a sentence

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Sentence count:12+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-05-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: megawattpegasusplug awaygigawattgoing awayfading awaywasting awayrunning awayMeaning: v. work doggedly or persistently. 
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1, Peg away, students, and you are bound to win.
2, She pegged away at her essay.
3, He pegged away at the news.
4, He's been pegging away at his thesis for months.
5, John kept pegging away, and finally recognition came.
6, To write a novel, one must keep pegging away at it consistently.
7, He's been pegging away at his work for many years.
8, In my section I had one of my local heroes, Tony Scott, about four or five pegs away.
9, But Wasps pegged away and when Ashurst was careless with his feet, Pilgrim kicked the penalty goal.
10, If you peg away long enough,[ away.html] you'll be able to learn any language.
11, If you peg away long enough at it, you'll be able to learn any language.
12, How I missed that, I'll never know, but I'm sure the other messenger boy will peg away at me until they take me off the payroll or something.
More similar words: megawattpegasusplug awaygigawattgoing awayfading awaywasting awayrunning awaylong-awaitedthrowing awaybreaking awayconestoga wagonlandscape gardenerdraw awaypegMPEGpeg outgawpgawkpeg downgawkyoff the pegoff-the-pegpegginggawkergewgawwinnipegarpeggioclothes pegpegmatite
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